Keeping your employee safe with SOS Alerts

Don't let employee emergencies catch you off guard, safeguard your employees with our user-friendly and customisable SOS alerting solution

HomeSolutionsEmployee Safety and SOS Alerts

SOS Panic Button

How do you ensure the safety of employees during work hours?

“It is an employer’s duty to protect the health, safety, and welfare or their employees and other people who might be affected by their business. Employers must do whatever is reasonably practicable to achieve this.” HSE.

As an employer you have a duty of care to employees, in any situation from severe weather events and terrorist attacks, to safety measures in operations in dangerous conditions.

Crises Control can help you ensure the safety of all employees at all times. Location tracking, and two way messaging enables our customers to keep track of where employees are before, during, and after an event. When a fire, flood, terrorist attack, or work accident is in progress, Crises Control gives vital information about where employees are, and on the progress of assistance.

Crises Control helps organisations around the world protect their most valuable assets – people and operations – anytime, and anywhere.

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SOS Alert

Protect your workers with SOS panic button

An emergency affecting any of your employees can occur at any time. The SOS button inside the Crises Control App provides an extra layer of security for employees.  Employees in danger can use the SOS panic button to send a  SOS alert to your emergency response team.   The emergency response team can plot their location, track theri movement and even contact them scielenty (without using the ringtone on the phone), furthermore they can take the appropriate escalation action, such as engaging first line emergency service to aid and assist your people. 

Workers at risk?

Workers who may be at risk and could benefit from having a panic button include those in potentially dangerous or vulnerable situations. Here are some examples:

Lone workers: Individuals who work alone or in isolated environments, such as night shift workers, security guards, or maintenance personnel, may face risks from accidents, medical emergencies, or hostile encounters.

Healthcare professionals: Nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers may encounter situations where they are at risk of physical violence or aggression from patients or their relatives.

Retail workers, Oil and Gas Service industry workers, Public transportation workers, Hotel staff and Educational professionals are just a few examples, and there may be other professions or specific work contexts where having a panic button can enhance safety and provide a means of quickly summoning assistance in emergency situations.

SOS Alert


Employee SOS Alerts are emergency alerts that are sent to employees in real-time during critical situations or emergencies to ensure their safety and well-being. Or where employees can activate a need for emergency help from the Crises Control application.

The Crises Control software allows you to create and send employee SOS alerts quickly and easily through a variety of communication channels, including SMS, email, voice calls, and push notifications. You can also track responses in real-time and ensure that all employees are safe and accounted for.

Messages can be cascaded with time gaps between channels to avoid spamming users and optimise reach and cost control.

The Employee SOS Alert system can help manage a wide range of emergencies, including natural disasters, terrorist attacks, shooter, workplace violence, medical emergencies, threat of physical assault, and more.

These are just a few examples, and there may be other specific work contexts where having a panic button can enhance safety and provide a means of quickly summoning assistance in emergency situations.

Yes, the software offers a comprehensive reporting and analytics dashboard that allows you to track the effectiveness of your Employee SOS Alert system and make improvements as necessary.

SOS panic button on the Crises Control mobile app

Ensuring the safety of employees wherever they are

Keep employees safe with the Crises Control mobile app. The SOS panic button is a unique solution for employee safety in the workplace or on the move. Ensure quick, effective assistance for employees when faced with the threat of violence or harm.

PING Messaging

Use the PING message function to alert employees of a critical incident via SMS, or push messaging, and require acknowledgement of receipt.

Automated Response

Automate the response team’s course of action according to your business continuity plan, and help distressed employees quickly and effectively.

GEO-aware SOS Messages

The SOS panic button allows employees to call for assistance with one touch. GPS tracking leads response teams to them.