Public Safety Software

Effectively communicate with people outside of your organisation using Crises Control's Public Alerting Module.
Public Safety Software
Communication when you need it most - video

Efficient and Effective Public Safety Software

Efficient and effective public safety software can save lives during emergencies. Public Safety Software from Crises Control is designed to provide rapid alerts and notifications to people outside of your organisation during emergency situations, ensuring that they stay safe and informed.

With the Crises Control Public Alerting Module, organisations can quickly and easily send large volumes of messages to unregistered individuals via SMS. This enables public safety organisations, government agencies, and event venue managers to keep the public informed and protected during emergency situations.

Crises Control is listed on the G-Cloud 12 digital marketplace.

Features of Public Safety Software

Crises Control’s Public Safety Software is packed with features that enable organisations to send rapid alerts and notifications to the public during emergencies. The software includes a customisable dashboard that provides a complete view of the incident, including incident location, communication channels used, messages, critical task status, and relevant documents and plans.

In addition, Crises Control’s Public Alerting Module allows organisations to schedule messages in advance and send follow-up messages to ensure that the public is informed and up-to-date on the situation. With features like these, public safety organisations can ensure that they are equipped to protect the public during emergencies.

Incident Plan Builder

Private, Secure, Effective Public Warning System

Protect Public Privacy

Public alert data is not saved. Execute messages without saving the contact list to preserve the privacy of the public.

Send follow up Messages

Save the list of recipients from the initial alert to send follow up messages as the incident progresses.

Quick Upload Send List

No need to set up contact lists in advance, simply upload the contact details spreadsheet to send the message immediately.

Instant Messaging

Public alerts can be sent by SMS to reach more people

Public Safety Software

Why use Crises Control Public Alerting?

Discover what more you can do with Crises Control:


You can use Crises Control from your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection or mobile data to receive emails and push notifications, and phone signal to receive SMS and phone calls.

Crises Control offers the incident manager up to 5 communication channels: email, SMS, push notification, telephone call and web alert. Any combination of channels can be used to deliver the message to users. 

Messages can be cascaded with time gaps between channels to avoid spamming users and optimise reach and cost control.

There is no limit to the number of recipients an alert can be sent to.

Get the message out to the public

Keep the public safe with Crises Control public alerting

Alert the public quickly and effectively, save time, money, reputation, and even lives.

PING Messaging

Send public alerts using PING Messaging. Create pre prepared messages with clear instructions for citizens and visitors alike.

Schedule Alerts

Schedule follow up alerts to notify the public when the incident has ended.

Incident Management

Control your incident response with the dashboard, real-time data, tasks, and coordinated responses.