Healthcare Incident Management

With Real-time Alerts, Incident Management Tools, and Advanced Communication Capabilities, Crises Control Helps Healthcare Providers Mitigate Risks, Ensure Compliance, and Maintain Operational Resilience to Deliver High-quality Care to Patients.

Healthcare Incident Management with critical incident notification

NHS operational managers need to plan how they can deal with critical events, such as the additional pressures expected throughout the system during the peak winter months and the impact of Covid-19. Incidents expected during this period may be predictable, but they are no less disruptive for this.

The risks that healthcare providers are exposed to include:

  • Critical peak winter patient surges
  • Critical Covid-19 patient surges
  • Temporary A&E diverts of patients
  • Opening of escalation beds to provide extra capacity
  • Declaration of OPEL 3 or 4 alerts
  • IT service outages
  • Critical events requiring building lockdown or evacuation

To maintain continuity of patient care during these events, and maximise their impact as pressure relieving tactics, managers need to put effective communications platforms in place. These platforms need to be one-to-many as well as one-to-one and must be able to track the delegation, acceptance and completion of tasks by operational staff.

In critical situations, healthcare providers face significant operational challenges related to staffing, resources, technology and patient care. Crises Control equips them with the integrated mass communications platform needed to reach out to their response teams and stakeholders, handle the emergency and return to normal operations as quickly as possible.

Crises Control can use geo-targeted notifications to:

  • Notify employees of life safety and security evacuations
  • Locate and talk to employees via geo-location
  • Activate and manage emergency responders
  • Announce OPEL 3 or 4 alerts
  • Announce A&E diverts
  • Manage public safety, emergencies and evacuations
NHS - Video
Healthcare Incident Management

Case Study - NHS Trust

The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust provides integrated health and care services across Exeter and East and Mid Devon. With about 8,000 staff, it manages a large acute teaching hospital, twelve community sites and provides acute and community services to a core population of over 450,000.

The critical care out-of-hours inter-hospital transfer team provides a specialist doctor to allow a ‘time critical’ patient to be transferred in order to access a specialist service within the south west peninsula critical care network. When a patient needs to be transferred on a time critical basis, it requires significant clinical and logistical planning. With very limited notice at any time of day or night makes planning for this very difficult.

Crises Control has helped us improve our team communication, response and activation times.

Mass Communications for the Healthcare Industry

Award-winning GDPR compliant mass communication platform

Healthcare providers are subject to a stringent emergency planning regime. They must be able to show that they can effectively counter industry-specific incidents with the proper set of business continuity services, all while also attending patients. Crises Control has developed an award-winning cloud-based mass notification system combined with a sophisticated business continuity tool, delivered through a mobile application, that will ensure you will stay in control and care for your patients during any crises.

Public Sector Approved

Crises Control has been listed on the government Digital Marketplace through the G-Cloud 11 framework, making it available to all public sector organisations. GDPR compliant.

Real Time Reporting

Our platform provides real-time dashboards, map-based visualisation and ad-hoc reporting to make sure you always know the status of your staff to keep your patients cared for during any event.

Workflow Automation

Automate your response team’s course of action according to the business continuity plan, quickly resolve any issue to cut expenses and get back on track as soon as possible.