Why Employee Safety Should Be Your Top Concern

Employee Safety

In the face of a crisis, a company’s primary focus often shifts towards damage control and business continuity. While these aspects are undeniably crucial for recovery, there’s one element that can easily get overshadowed: employee safety.

This blog delves into the critical importance of employee safety during a crisis, explores real-world examples where it was neglected, and unveils how Crises Control empowers organisations to prioritise their most valuable asset – their people.

The Unwavering Importance of Employee Safety in Crisis Situations 

A crisis can manifest in various forms – a natural disaster, a cyberattack, a workplace incident, or even a public relations nightmare. Regardless of the trigger, ensuring employee safety should be the cornerstone of any crisis response plan. Here’s why:

  • Moral and Ethical Obligation: Companies have a fundamental duty to care for their employees’ well-being. This extends to safeguarding them from physical harm, emotional distress, and psychological trauma during a crisis.
  • Legal Compliance: Many regions have occupational health and safety regulations mandating employers to implement robust crisis response plans that prioritise employee safety. Failing to comply can result in hefty fines and legal repercussions.
  • Maintaining Business Continuity: A healthy workforce is essential for business continuity. When employees are injured, stressed, or traumatised during a crisis, their productivity plummets, hindering recovery efforts.
  • Employer Branding and Reputation: How a company handles a crisis, especially concerning employee safety, reflects directly on its brand image and reputation. Prioritising employee well-being fosters trust and loyalty, attracting and retaining top talent.

The High Cost of Ignoring Employee Safety: Real-World Examples

Employee Safety

History is unfortunately littered with examples of companies prioritising business continuity over employee safety during crises, leading to devastating consequences. Here are two cautionary tales:

The Rana Plaza Collapse (2013)

This garment factory in Bangladesh tragically collapsed, killing over 1,100 workers. Workers reported cracks in the building days prior, but management pressured them to continue working, ignoring safety concerns. This horrific incident underscores the importance of prioritising employee warnings and addressing safety hazards promptly.

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010)

This environmental disaster resulted from a series of cost-cutting measures that compromised safety protocols on the drilling rig. Eleven crew members perished due to the explosion and fire. This incident exemplifies how neglecting safety standards in pursuit of profit can lead to tragic consequences.

These are just a few stark reminders of the human cost associated with neglecting employee safety during a crisis.

Empowering Your Workforce: How Crises Control Can Help 

Crises Control offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to prioritise employee safety throughout the crisis lifecycle:

  • Incident Management: Crises Control’s Incident Manager module streamlines incident response, allowing for a swift and coordinated effort to locate, communicate with, and evacuate employees when necessary.
  • PING Notification System: The platform facilitates two-way communication with employees via various channels (SMS, email, push notifications) ensuring everyone receives critical updates and instructions during a crisis.
  • Geospatial Awareness: Crises Control leverages geofencing technology to pinpoint employee locations, enabling targeted communication and emergency response efforts focused on areas of greatest need.
  • Task Management: The software empowers assigning and tracking critical tasks related to employee safety, ensuring a coordinated and efficient response.
  • Business Continuity Planning: Crises Control facilitates the creation and implementation of robust business continuity plans that prioritise employee safety protocols alongside operational recovery strategies.
  • SOS Panic Button: Equip your employees with a discreet and readily accessible way to discreetly summon help in a dangerous situation. The SOS Panic Button, that you can access via the mobile app, allows employees to silently alert designated emergency response teams within the organisation, ensuring a swift and coordinated response.
  • Crisis War Gaming: Regularly test your crisis response plan and identify potential weaknesses through realistic crisis war gaming simulations. Crises Control facilitates the development of customised scenarios, allowing you to train employees, assess communication protocols, and refine your response plan for optimal effectiveness.

By implementing these features, Crises Control empowers organisations to prioritise employee safety during a crisis, fostering a culture of trust and ensuring a faster and smoother recovery.

Proactive Preparation is Key: Take Action Today

Crises Control is committed to empowering organisations to prioritise employee safety during a crisis.  We understand that every organisation’s needs are unique. That’s why we offer a free personalised demo to showcase how our platform can be customised to perfectly suit your specific requirements.

During your free demo, our team will:

  • Conduct a needs assessment to understand your unique safety protocols and communication channels.
  • Showcase how Crises Control integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, streamlining communication and response efforts.
  • Provide real-world examples of how Crises Control has helped organisations prioritise employee safety during various crisis scenarios.
  • And more!

Don’t wait until a crisis hits to take action. Investing in employee safety demonstrates your commitment to your workforce, fostering a culture of trust and resilience.

Contact Crises Control today to schedule your free demo and ensure your employees are prepared to navigate any crisis with confidence.


1. Why is prioritising employee safety important during a crisis?

Employee safety is paramount during a crisis for several reasons. It’s a moral and ethical obligation to keep your workforce safe. Many regions have legal regulations mandating safety plans. A healthy workforce is essential for business continuity. Finally, prioritising employee well-being strengthens your employer brand and reputation.

2. What features does Crises Control offer to help with employee safety?

Crises Control provides a suite of features designed to prioritise employee safety. Incident Management streamlines response efforts. The PING Notification System ensures everyone receives critical updates. Geospatial Awareness facilitates targeted communication during emergencies. Task Management helps assign and track safety-related tasks. Business Continuity Planning integrates safety protocols with recovery strategies. Additionally, the SOS Panic Button App allows employees to discreetly summon help in dangerous situations, and Crisis War Gaming helps test and refine your crisis response plan.

3. How can I learn more about Crises Control and its features?

Crises Control offers a free personalised demo to showcase how our platform can be customised to your specific needs. During the demo, our team will conduct a needs assessment, showcase platform integration, and provide real-world examples of how Crises Control has helped organisations prioritise employee safety.