Previous Releases in the Portal – Page 2

Version - 8 July 2022

New option to quickly send message to all users involved in an incident

When sending an Incident Update, users now have the option to send the message to all users involved in the incident by selecting the tick box.  This option can save time if a message needs to be sent to all the users associated with an incident.

New "Incident Recipient" dashlet added to the Incident Control Centre

This new dashlet make it easier for incident manager to query and manager user’s engagement. Incident Managers can view all users that have received a communication about an incident in the Control Centre, they can also filter by Group, Location, Department or individual users.

New Task/Checklists dashlet added to the Incident Control Centre

This new dashlet makes it easier for incident managers to see which checklist item have been completed or not. This view makes it easier for managers to manage and support users following a critical pathway. Incident managers can track the progress of Incident Tasks/ Checklist and view the responses and comments in real time.The Task Checklist dash-let has been added to the Incident Control Centre allowing Incident Managers to track the progress of Incident Tasks and view the responses and comments in real time.

New Task Checklist icon displayed in the grid

Tasks that have a Checklist associated can be identified quickly with the new icon in the grid.

New Delegation of Tasks to Groups

Previously it was not possible to delegate a Task to a Group, but only Location and Department. This new enhancement allows a Task to be delegated a Group as well as specific users.

View member list of Groups assigned to Tasks

When initiating an incident with tasks, key holders can view who is in the task action team by clicking on the plus icon.

Incident ID displayed

The incident ID is now displayed in the header of various forms and printouts. This makes it easier to identify the incident and the ID can also be used where a Search option exists.

Character quantity limit increased to 100 for longer responses text

This new enhancement will allow administer to increase the characters quantity limit from 30 to 100 characters. Longer response messages can be sent when required.

Incident IDs are visible in Closed Incidents

Incident IDs are displayed next to the Incident name in Incident > Closed Incidents making it easier to search for specific incidents.


New downloadable public alerting template

Users can now download a formatted template spreadsheet. The populated template can be used to upload user data into the Public Alerting Module.

Time zone can be selected when adding or editing users in bulk

In Settings > Setup Users, users can be added with their time zone when bulk adding or editing their profiles.


More detailed delivery report for push notifications

The push notification dashlet in the message delivery report has more options so users can see why the message was not received – whether it was because the user did not have the app downloaded or other phone settings were enabled that affected the notification being received, such as blocked push notifications or battery saving feature restricting app notifications.

SMS and phone calls state when there is a message attachment

On SMS and phone calls, users are informed if a message has been sent with an attachment and told to log into the mobile app or web portal to view the document(s).

New Hyperlink option to Acknowledge a SMS message

This new feature will also the system to be configured for using a hyper link to send an acknowledgement as an alternative to the SMS channel.

This new feature is particularly useful where local SMS providers do not offer two-way communication. This could be because there are local regulatorily restrictions or the service provider’s technology platform does not permit this.

The outgoing SMS alert can contain both the reply back acknowledgement code and a hyperlink which can be used to acknowledge the message. This adds a URL in the body of the text message, that when clicked on will redirect the user to a page where they can acknowledge the message. If the hyperlink option is used the user will need access to Mobile Data on their mobile device for this feature to work.

Once acknowledged the user will receive a SMS message confirming their acknowledgement by way of receipt.

SMS Text Language

Choose a language for the SMS text. All the recipients will receive the SMS in the selected language.

Improved Audit log. Changes to phone announcement audio file is displayed in audit log

In Settings > Setup Company, when a new audio file is uploaded/changed for the Ping and Incident intro announcement, the action is displayed in the audit log for greater transparency.

The status of a Trigger is displayed on the Trigger List

Users can view if a Trigger is Active or Inactive on the Trigger List.

Edit Ping after creating a scheduled or trigger job

Once a trigger or scheduled Ping has been created, users have the option to edit the original ping message when editing the trigger or scheduled job. This has simplified the process of editing the message from the Scheduler or Trigger module.

Invitation emails logged in Reports

All emails sent to users inviting them to Crises Control and providing them with their login credentials are logged and can be found in Reports > User Invitation.

Enhancements to Data Segregation Settings

Data Segregation can only be enabled or disabled by the account Super Admin. They must request a verification code, which they will receive via SMS, before changing the Data Segregation settings.

New Task notification count bubble displayed

The Task notification Icon has been improved to show a number count. This number represent the total number of incomplete Task associated with that user.

Version - 28 January 2022

Email notifications from [email protected]

All emails from Crises Control will now come from [email protected].

DMS can be used to give the precise location of the Incident

When launching an Incident, the Incident location can be specified using DMS latitude and longitude to provide an accurate location.

Select Key Holders to alert when initiating an Incident requiring two keys

Incidents that require two keys to be launched can be assigned specific Key Holders to launch them. Previously, any Key Holder could launch an Incident from Awaiting Incidents; now alerts will only be sent to assigned Key Holders who will then launch the Incident. This can be enabled or disabled in Settings > Global Configuration > Incident.

Improvements to Incident Simulation

When launching an Incident as a simulation, Users are informed on the phone call that it is an Incident Simulation, as well as on the SMS, push and email alerts. Incidents requiring two keys for launch can also be simulated by Key Holders, depending on their menu access.

Improvements to the Incident Control Centre

On the Control Centre for Incidents, the Message Delivery Report can be viewed on each message and data can be refreshed using the Reload button.

View the comment thread on Task Checklist

Users completing Tasks can now write multiple comments on Task Checklist items creating a comment thread on the Activity Log.

More options available in Setup Menu Access for Administrators, Key Holders and Staff

More options have been added to Setup Menu Access to allow more flexibility and customisation; new menu items for the Ping and Incident modules for Basic Users, and in Global Configuration for Key Holders and Administrators. Access can also be given or removed to allow Track Me During Travel.

Acknowledgement data can be filtered by Group, Location or Department

Users’ acknowledgements and responses can be filtered by Group, Location or Department to make it easier to view the responses when there are a large number of recipients.

Track Me During Travel can be disabled

Track Me During Travel can be disabled by Administrators in Settings > Global Configuration > System, so that Users will not be able to turn it on in the app.

More options available in Reports

Users can now view Departments, as well as Groups and Locations, on Ping and Performance Reports.

Every module has been assigned an ID for more information on audit trails

To provide more detailed audit trails, every module has been assigned an ID, including Incidents, Tasks, Media Assets, Triggers and scheduled alerts.

System information can be seen on My Account

Users can view an overview of the system data on My Account.

Version - 3 December 2021

User information enhancement

Users can select their time zone on My Account. This ensures that the time that alerts are sent and received will display in the user’s preferred time zone.

Additional information on My Account

On My Account, users are able to view the Department, Location(s) and Group(s) they are associated with.

Data Segregation enhancements

When Data Segregation is enabled, the incidents available for launch can be linked to either Department(s) or Group(s) for the incident to be visible and available to initiate. The available incidents page will show an aggregated list of incidents from both Department and Groups. This allows for more flexibility in the configuration of the system.

Delivery Report countdown timer

The Delivery Report data is refreshed frequently until the completion of the job. Fresh data will be fetched every 30 seconds following a countdown timer. This provides a more accurate delivery status at any time.

Select user type to receive low balance notifications

The system can be configured in Global Configuration > SMS/Telephone Credit, so that either Administrators, Key Holders or Staff are notified when their credit balance is low.

Task Checklist description length increased

The description length in Task Checklist has been increased from 150 characters to 3,000 characters, allowing more information to be provided in the description.

Version - 3 September 2021

New tooltips on Incident Control Centre

Incident control centre now has question mark tool tip help to guide users on the modules.

Subject line of emails received improved

Email from Crises Control have improved description content in the Subject line. For example, “Crises Control – Ping notification”, “Crises Control – Incident Notification.”

Separating Departments and Groups into two different entities

Departments and Groups have now been separated offering greater flexibility to the user community. New option for Department has been added, if this option in enabled, users can be associated with a department and an alert can be sent to all members of that Department.

Calls and SMS received can now have your contact logo

Calls received by users showed a Crises Control logo (contact logo by default). There is a new option to personalise the contact logo for your company in Setup Company > Contact logo.

Re-join a conference call

New option to re-join a conference call if the user dropped out or if they wish to join at any point whilst the conference call is live.

Cascading plans

New option to create cascading plans. A cascading plan can be selected when sending out an alert via Ping or Incident.

Voice recording on Incidents/ Pings

New option to record an audio message when sending Ping and Incident. When launching a ping and or incident, you can now record audio voice message. The recorded message will play when using the phone call channel.

SFTP upload option

New option to upload data files via SFTP.

Other improvements include fewer clicks, better UX and system performance

Some of the confirmation popups have been removed to reduce the number of click for better user experience.

Version 5.3.3 - April 2021

Phone acknowledgement improvements

You can now choose to acknowledge a phone notification via key press and/or speech.

Response analysis enhancements

All response option are now available. Additionally, data can now be downloaded through the download button.

Delivery report enhancement

Times on the delivery report are now including seconds for more precise for more accurate reporting.

Triggers improvements

You can now edit the incident to be triggered after the incident trigger has been created.

Version 5.3.2 - December 2020

Social Media Integration

Select social media channels just like you would select a communication channel to alert your people.

SSO via Okta

Single Sign On (SSO) is now availble via Okta. This new feature can remove the hassle of remembering yet another password by streamlining users access to Crises Control. With just one click users simply use their corporate to login.

Message Response Analysis

You can now view a graphical response analysis on a per-message basis. Simply select Response Analysis in the action menu of the message.

Acknowledgement Report Export

The Acknowledgement Report now contains the acknowledgement data. This improvement will enable the user to user other tools like Microsoft Excel for further analysis.

Global Configuration Improvements

The Global Configuration section of the Crises control has been changed to make it easier to use. Tabs have been removed and replaced with a menu of options.

Version 5.3.1 - August 2020

Simplified Login Process

We have simplified the login process to the Crises Control portal. The Customer ID ( your short Company name) is no longer required. The login in process only requires the user email and their unique password.

You have the option to configure your browser to remember the user email and password for quicker access.

We have also introduced an option for single sign on via Microsoft Azure login.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single sign-on (SSO) is an identification system that allows websites to use other, trusted sites to verify users. It provides the employees the ability to log in just one time with one set of credentials to get access to all corporate apps, websites, and data for which they have permission.

Single sign-on makes it possible for people to navigate between the various web apps without having to sign in multiple times.

This new feature solves a key problem for the business by providing identity access management integrated to their corporate network (e.g. Microsoft 365), greater security and compliance.

Version 5.3 - April 2020

Two Factor Authentication Improvement

Two Factor Authentication Improvement

If the SMS containing the autorisation code does not arrive in time, you can now request the code via phone call instead.

Public Alerts

Public Alerts

Notify contacts outside of Crises Control easily via SMS. Upload a list of contact numbers, compose your message then notify all the contacts. To get more information about this feature, please contact your account manager.

Incident Notes

Incident Notes

You can now add notes at incident level. You can also add attachments to those notes. The notes are viewable in the command centre with their dedicated applet.

Clone Task

Clone Task

You can now clone a task easily by selecting the menu option when viewing the task to be copied.

Expired SOPs

Expired SOPs

Find your SOPs that are past their review date easily by going to the relevant tab on the SOP section.

Number of message repeats during phone notifications

Number of message repeats during phone notifications

You can now change the number of times a message is repeated during phone notifications.

Add Extra Response Options

Add Extra Response Options

You can now set the maximum number of character you can enter while composing a message. Length can be set between 1-1500.

Response Option Counts

Response Option Counts

When sending a message with response options. Visualise the response ratios in from of a graph.

Incident Launch Improvement

Incident Launch Improvement

You can now select the locations to notify by zones.

Version 5.2.8 - December 2019

Two Factor Authentication Improvement

Two Factor Authentication Improvement

For added security, you can now enable two factor authentication on the portal.

task list

Task Checklists

Set all the steps of a task as checklists for your incidents.


Desktop Notifications

You can now download a Windows desktop client to receive notifications on your computer. Download the desktop app here.

tracking map

Incident Tracking Map

When tracking is enabled, follow users on a map, and retrace their steps.

additional message

Additional Messages Improvements

You can now predefine the recipients of your additional messages at incident setup time. This allows for faster updates when you know in advance who should receive the update. You can still modify the recipient list at the time of sending. 

global configuration

Maximum Message Length Setting

You can now set the number of characters you can enter while composing a message. Message lengths can be set between 1 – 1500.

menu access

Menu Access Improvement

Each menu access now needs to be set up for a specific user role. This helps ensure that menu access is correct when creating new users, and allows you to restrict access to specific admin users.


Acknowledgement Improvements

When sending a message with response options, find out how many users have chosen each option with one click.


Lock Out on Failed Logins

Users who repeatedly enter invalid credentials are locked out of Crises Control in order to increase security.

Version 5.2.7 - July 2019

login 2


As we continue to improve our system and security, we are making changes to the sign in procedure. Your sign in credentials now include your Customer ID in addition to the username and password. Both the mobile app and portal will remember your Customer ID (if you have enabled this setting) for future sign ins.

data segregation1

Data Segregation

Data segregation has been updated to add more flexibility. With the new settings you can now decide if data segregation will be based on Department/Groups only, Locations only, or a logical combination of these two.

data segregation2

Data Segregation (Cont.) - Filter by Group/ Dept. Only

Select this setting for non admin users to only see other users if they share a Group/ Dept. with them.

data segregation3

Data Segregation (Cont.) - Filter by Location Only

Select this setting for non admin users to only see other users if they share a location with them.

data segregation4

Data Segregation (Cont.) - Filter by Group/ Dept. OR Location Only

Using this setting users will see all the users that share either a location, or a department (or both) with them.

data segregation5

Data Segregation (Cont.) - Filter by Group/ Dept, AND Location Only

When this setting is activated, non admin users need to share BOTH a Location AND a Group/ Dept. to be able to see each other.

acknowledgement export1

Acknowledgement Export

You can now export the full acknowledgement list from the acknowledgement page. Just click on the icon to download a CSV file that you can open in Excel.

Version 5.2.6 - May 2019



New and improved registration process.


Portal Tour

Users can take a tour of the Crises Control functions.

system audit

System Audit

Media assets have been added to the system audit. You can now see the recorded changes on media assets.

asset view

Media Asset Manager

View or download media assets from this screen.

sos map

SOS Location

User location now shows the date and time of the last captured location so you know how much time has passed since the last update.

location setup

Location/ Department Details

See who set up the location/ department, and access their details.

instant task

Add Instant Task

Users can now create a task on the move during a live incident.

browser notifications

Browser Notifications

See all alerts with desktop notifications, even if you are not logged into the Crises Control portal.

message reply

Message Replies

You can not reply to Ping and incident messages. Check the replies in the conversation window for each message. You can choose to reply to all the users who received the message or to the sender only.

task note

Task Notes

You can now add task notes and attachments at any time. These will be visible in the task audit.

test incident

Test Incidents on Yourself

Test incidents without sending them to your entire response team by using the Test Incident On Me feature. This option will enable you to perfect your incident setup.

incident simulations

Incident Simulations

You can now easily run incident simulations. Use the simulation button when launching an incident and it will be clearly marked as a simulation when your users receive messages.

incident manager

Number of Incident Managers

You can now choose the number of required incident managers per incident from the Global settings.

message lengtth

Increased Message Length

The maximum message length has been greatly increased. You can now send Ping and incident messages of up to 1500 characters. Bear in mind that this may cause the messages to be sent via multiple SMS, and it can greatly increase the length of a phone call which in turn may increase costs.

group members

View Group/Dept Members

You can now view who is in a group before sending them a message so you can make sure all the people that need to receive the message are in the recipients list.

asset review

Asset Review Overdue

Find all the assets due for review easily with the new Review Overdue feature.

Version 5.2.5 - January 2019


Cascading Communication Channels

Select in which order the communication channels are used to send the messages. Select time intervals between each attempt.


Communication Channels by Priority

Select which communication channels to be automatically selected when changing an incident’s severity or a ping’s priority.

user devices

User Devices from User Page

You can now view all the user’s devices from the user maintenance menu.


Mandatory SOPs

You now have the option to make SOPs mandatory for every incident from the global settings.

incident icons

Incident Icon Selection

New icon selection for incidents. Use search terms to look for matching icons. Icons are grouped into categories to make the selection easier.

virtual members

Virtual Department/ Location Members

While data segregation is enabled, it is now possible to make users virtual members. Virtual members of a group can receive messages sent to the group but will not be able to send messages back to the group. Furthermore, they will not be able to see the members of these groups.

deleted items

View Deleted Items on Reports

It is now possible to include or exclude deleted items in reports by selecting the Show Deleted Items check box. It is easy to identify deleted items by the trach can icon on listings.


Don't Lose Your Changes

A warning will let you know if you’re about to navigate away from a page without saving your changes.

task review 1

Task Review Access from Live Incidents

You can now review tasks directly from the launched incidents list.

asset delete

Prevent Deletion of Assets in Use

In order to prevent the deletion of an asset still in use, you will now need to remove the asset from all associated tasks or incidents before you can delete it.

incident tabs

Active and Inactive Incidents Tabs

Incident maintenance now separates the incidents in two tabs. One for active incidents and one for inactive. This produces smaller, easier to manage lists.

user import

New User Import Templates

You can now choose from different templates to create different types of imports.

delivery report

Selected Communication Methods in Delivery Reports

In the delivery report, we have now added a new icon to show what communication methods were selected by the user at the time the message was sent.

incidents map

Open Map in a Separate Tab

View your live incidents on a map. This opens up in a new tab for a wider and more comfortable view.

Version 5.2.4 - September 2018

data segregation

Data Segregation Improvements

Users with Key Holder roles can manage staff, Locations and Groups/ Departments while data segregation is on. This means that a Key Holder now has limited admin rights.

To use this feature, make sure all of your users belong to at least one Dept/ Group and one Location.

usage payment

Usage & Payment Improvements

Account administrators can now see their spending and usage pattern over the last 12 months graphically. This can help them better manage their automatic top up.

task timeline

Task Timeline Imrovements

The Incident Task Timeline has new filters and assignee list for each Task.

incident type

Create Your Own Incident Types

With our new fully customisable incident type, edit existing incident types, or simply add new ones to create your own incident classification.

filter user

Filter Users by Location and/or Department/Group

You can now filter your users by Location and/or Department/Group. This makes selecting your users simpler before doing a bulk edit.

bulk user edit

Bulk User Edit Improvements

Bulk editing is now much more versatile. Select the options you want to modify and apply the changes.

Version 5.2 - July 2018


Dashboard Improvements

Evaluate month to month to month operational improvements for 6 to 24 months. View most effective channel of communication.

email template

Editable Email Templates

Customise your email notifications.

clone incident

Clone Incidents

Quickly replicate an incident to save time creating a similar incident.

message attachment

Message Attachments

Add pictures or videos as attachments to your pings or incident messages.

task view

Task View Enhancements

View task summary per incident for a quick overview of all current incident tasks, then drill down to task level to view the tasks for a single incident and filter the tasks if required.

task review

Task Review

Administrators can now view all open tasks for all active incidents in a simple view and if required, assign users to a task and effectively add them to the response/ escalation teams while the incident is in progress.

Version 5.1 - March 2018

delivery report

Message Delivery Report

Provides information on the time taken to deliver a message to the user over the four different channels (email, PUSH, SMS, and phone). Failed messages can be downloaded for review and further research.

task timeline

Task Performance Report & Task Timeline

The following new reports are available on the web portal to help you manage tasks more efficiently:

1. Task Performance – this report displays the overall task acceptance rate and task completion rate against company KPIs.

2. Task Timeline – this report provides a visual audit containing all task-related activities completed throughout the lifecycle of the incident.


SOS Emergency Alerts on Dashboard

SOS alerts save the day when you need them most. The app has an emergency SOS button which, when used will alert the rapid response team and provide them with critical information to manage the SOS emergency. This can save lives.

incident duration

Incident Duration

Incidents vary in scope and severity, but what is also important is how long they last. We have added DURATION time in days – so you can better manage incident scenarios.

incident action

Incident Actions - Drop-down Menu Options

The Crises Control Dashboard is where you assess your incidents and prioritise. That’s why we made it possible to act upon your incident directly from the dashboard. The “Action” button assigned to each incident opens up a menu that includes a set of the most frequently used actions related to an incident.

new incident

New Incident Creation Options

Incidents now have different responses, track geolocation of incidents and users or keyholders, select the preferred communication channels, receive a silent push message, etc, providing powerful enhancements to user security.

data segregation

Global Configuration - Data Segregation

Information management is very important to every organisation, this new section allows you to apply restrictions to the personal information that is displayed.

There are options to allow you to restrict:

Users and key holders from selecting Dept/Groups they are not associated with.

Users from selecting a Location that they are not linked to.

data protection

Global Configuration - Data Protection

Personal information management and confidentiality is of importance to all organisations. The new options allow you to restrict the amount of personal information displayed on the app to regular users.

global config sos

Global Configuration - SOS

Your organisation can now provide added security cover to your people via the app during normal business or when they are in vulnerable situations. The app has an emergency SOS button (primary SOS) which is integrated with the SOS dashboard, when used it will alert the rapid response team and provide critical information to manage the SOS emergency.

The SOS emergency incident can be configured to match your organisation’s safety objectives and provide valuable data during the incident’s lifecycle.

closed incidents

Closed Incidents

Closed incidents can be viewed from the ‘incidents menu’.

Version 5.0 - January 2018


Launch an SOS incident from the mobile app by tapping the icon for 6 seconds. The user can then be tracked using the map feature.

SOS incidents can be set up on the portal, under Settings > Set up SOS.

User Tracking

New – track users while they are travelling. Users can turn tracking on from the app settings on their phone. Tracking data can be viewed on the portal under Reports > User Tracking. 

Incident Tracking

Track the recipients of incident notifications by turning “Track Our People” on when starting an incident. Users must have “Track Me During an Incident” allowed on their device in order to be tracked.

User Activation/ Deactivation

Bulk add or remove users from Setup User > Bulk Actions.

Response Options

Set customised user responses in Ping and the incident manager to get more information from users, rather than a simple acknowledgement.

Create responses when setting up the message.

Communication Channel Preference

Select the preferred communications channels for messages when setting up a Ping or Incident.