January 27, 2025
Floods, Fires, and Hurricanes: How Crisis Communication Software Can Keep Your Business Safe
Written by Anneri Fourie | Marketing Executive Natural disasters are happening with increasing frequency and intensity, such as the recent California fires, the devastating storm in Sao Paulo, or Storm Eowyn’s chaos in Scotland, businesses are facing a growing risk. For organisations, especially those with widespread operations, the threat is two-fold: ensuring the safety of their employees while also keeping operations running smoothly. With...
May 10, 2017
BCI research confirms that social engineering is a top cause of cyber incidents
Research commissioned by Crises Control from the BCI for their annual cyber resilience report 2016 confirms much of what we already suspected about the changing nature of the cyber threat and the way that cyber criminals have found new ways past corporate perimeter security. 66% of respondents to the survey reported that...
June 23, 2016
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail
Back in October 2015 the TalkTalk website was hacked with 157,000 customers' details accessed and 16,000 bank account and sort-codes stolen. News of the attack led to a fall of one third in the TalkTalk share price, and ultimately lost them 100,000 customers and cost an estimated £42million. TalkTalk were inadequately prepared,...
May 26, 2016
If you are facing lions in the Coliseum, you need an exit strategy
The Romans could evacuate 50,000 people from the Coliseum within fifteen minutes. A remarkable feat of architectural planning, business continuity and resilience understanding. All of it done without modern day techniques and computer programmes and Health and Safety statutes. The current equivalent of the Coliseum is the football stadium, the...
October 22, 2015
Leading corporate resilience expert joins Crises Control
Introducing Richard Barnes - Corporate Resilience Expert Following my roles as Statutory Deputy Mayor of London, Chair of the London Resilience Forum and Chair of the 7 July Review Committee, I have been searching for a communications system that has the potential to enhance the resilience of cities and corporations...