Onboarding Process Made Easy: Navigating Crisis Management with Crises Control

Onboarding Process

Imagine a seamless onboarding process that transforms challenges into opportunities, ensuring a smooth transition for business owners and employees alike. In this blog, we discuss the effortless and efficient onboarding process offered by Crises Control. From personalised training plans to round-the-clock support, Crises Control is your dedicated partner every step of the way.

Why Choose Crises Control

Selecting the right crisis management platform can be a challenging task. However, here are the key attributes of Crises Control that simplify your decision-making process:

Efficient Communication

Crises Control provides a centralised platform for crisis communication, guaranteeing that the right message reaches the right people at the right time. This leads to quicker response times and enhanced coordination.

Customisable Alerts

Our platform allows you to tailor alerts based on the incident’s nature and severity. This ensures that employees receive important information without unnecessary noise.

Real-time Monitoring

Crises Control offers real-time monitoring and reporting capabilities, allowing managers to track incident resolution progress and collect data for post-incident analysis and improvements.

Comprehensive Documentation

The system facilitates thorough documentation of incidents, from actions taken to communications exchanged and resolutions achieved. This documentation proves invaluable for compliance, audits, and future planning.

Integration Capabilities

Seamlessly integrate Crises Control with existing systems, including Microsoft Active Directory and other data sources. This streamlines information flow and reduces the need for manual data entry.

Training and Support

You can access comprehensive training resources and receive 24/7 support, ensuring users are equipped with the knowledge and confidence to effectively utilise Crises Control in crisis situations.

Enhanced Security Measures

Crises Control prioritises data security and privacy, employing robust encryption and security protocols to safeguard sensitive information during incidents.


Designed to grow with your organisation, Crises Control is adaptable to the evolving needs and demands of your business, whether you’re a small enterprise or a large corporation.

Regulatory Compliance

Crises Control equips businesses with the tools and processes necessary for incident management and reporting, ensuring adherence to industry-specific regulatory requirements.

Cost Efficiency

By streamlining incident management processes, Crises Control helps organisations save time and resources, minimising the potential financial impact of incidents on the business.

Our Onboarding Process

Onboarding Process Made Easy

At Crises Control, we understand the importance of a structured approach to implementation. Our onboarding process includes:

On-Site Implementation

We bring immersive workshops directly to your team, centred on client-led testing and incident simulations. This ensures your team gains a comprehensive understanding of Crises Control, enabling them to use it effectively when the need arises.

Virtual Implementation

Access a series of online training sessions delivered by our experienced trainers. Learn how to manage crises using Crises Control, with support for API Integrations and the conversion of your procedures for a seamless transition.


Empower yourself with step-by-step training manuals and easy-to-understand training videos. These resources provide detailed information on how to use each module and extension.

Co-Pilot Services

When resources are limited, our experts can co-pilot your exercises, drills, and live events. They’re there to enhance your team’s skills and capability, simplifying tasks like running crises simulations.


From a team of seasoned experts to a highly personalised approach, Crises Control recognises that a seamless transition is crucial in the world of crisis management. With Crises Control, you’re not just adopting a software solution – you’re gaining a partner dedicated to streamlining your onboarding journey and empowering you to respond swiftly and effectively to any crisis.

Ready to experience the efficiency at the core of Crises Control? Whether you have questions, need a tailored plan, or are ready to take the next step, our experts are here to help. Contact us today to get your free personalised demo. Let’s work together to ensure your organisation is well-prepared for any situation that may arise.