How an Employee Mass Notification System Saves Lives and Boosts Your Organisation

employee mass notification system

Staying ahead of potential crises and ensuring the safety and well-being of your employees is paramount. An Employee Mass Notification System (EMNS) emerges as a vital tool in achieving this goal. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of EMNS, showcasing how it can benefit your organisation and sharing real-world success stories. Additionally, we’ll highlight how Crises Control stands out as a reliable partner in implementing and optimising this essential solution.

Understanding Employee Mass Notification Systems

An Employee Mass Notification System is a robust communication platform designed to rapidly disseminate critical information to employees during emergencies or unforeseen events. Unlike traditional communication methods, such as call-trees, Employee Mass Notification System ensures swift and efficient communication across various channels, including emails, phone calls, and push notifications, enhancing response times and overall safety protocols.

How Can an Employee Mass Notification System Benefit Your Organisation?

1. Rapid Communication

Ditch the slow, unreliable methods of the past. Employee Mass Notification System delivers critical alerts instantly through multiple channels – text messages, emails, voice calls, mobile push notifications – ensuring everyone receives the information they need, when they need it most.

Example: A chemical spill occurs at a manufacturing plant. Within seconds, the Employee Mass Notification System sends personalised alerts to all employees in the affected area, instructing them on evacuation procedures and safe haven locations. This immediate action minimises exposure and potential injuries.

2. Enhanced Safety Measures

Safety protocols and evacuation plans are crucial, but what good are they if no one knows them? EMNS bridges the gap by delivering emergency procedures, evacuation routes, and safety guidelines directly to employees’ fingertips.

Example: A university receives a bomb threat. The EMNS instantly sends campus-wide alerts with clear instructions on lockdown procedures and shelter locations, along with visual maps and reminders of emergency protocols. This coordinated response keeps everyone informed and calm during a stressful situation.

3. Reduced Downtime

Emergencies create chaos, leading to operational disruptions and lost productivity. EMNS combats this by facilitating swift communication and response. By quickly informing employees about the situation and providing updates, you can minimise downtime and get your organisation back on track faster.

Example: A power outage hits your office building. The EMNS instantly sends alerts informing employees of the issue and estimated repair time. This allows teams to adjust their schedules and work remotely if necessary, minimising productivity losses.

4. Improved Employee Morale

Feeling informed and valued during a crisis goes a long way. EMNS fosters trust and confidence by keeping employees updated and engaged, even in challenging situations. This translates to increased morale, loyalty, and overall well-being.

Example: A global pandemic throws your organisation into uncertainty. The EMNS becomes a vital communication tool, delivering regular updates on company policies, safety measures, and support resources. This transparency and open communication help employees feel secure and valued, fostering a positive work environment.

5. Streamlined Crisis Management: 

Coordinating a crisis response can be overwhelming. EMNS acts as your central command centre, providing a unified platform to create, send, and track emergency alerts. You can target specific groups, personalise messages, and monitor delivery confirmation, all in one place.

Example: A severe snowstorm threatens your city. The EMNS allows you to send targeted alerts to employees based on their location, informing them of office closures, transportation options, and remote work procedures. This centralised communication ensures everyone receives consistent information and reduces confusion during the storm.

Examples of Employee Mass Notification in Action

1. Hurricane Harvey (2017)

When Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston, Texas, companies like Chevron and BP used their mass notification systems to send targeted alerts to employees in affected areas. These alerts provided critical information about evacuation routes, shelter locations, and safety precautions. The systems also allowed employees to confirm their safety with loved ones, reducing anxiety and panic. This quick and effective communication helped minimise employee risks and ensure business continuity during the crisis.

2. California Wildfires (2020)

During the devastating California wildfires, companies like Pacific Gas & Electric and Salesforce relied on their mass notification systems to warn employees about imminent danger. These systems delivered real-time updates on fire locations, evacuation orders, and air quality conditions. Employees could also receive personalised instructions based on their work location and residence. This timely and accurate information helped employees make informed decisions about their safety and facilitated rapid evacuations.

3. Covid-19 Pandemic (2020)

Throughout the global pandemic, organisations across various industries have used mass notification systems to keep employees informed and safe. Companies like Walmart and Amazon used these systems to disseminate critical updates about company policies, health protocols, and available resources. They also sent personalised messages to employees who were exposed or tested positive, allowing for prompt contact tracing and isolation measures. This continuous and targeted communication helped businesses navigate the evolving situation effectively and protect employee health and well-being.

How Crises Control Can Help

employee mass notification system

Crises Control stands as a leading provider of cutting-edge EMNS solutions. Their platform goes beyond conventional notification systems, offering a range of features designed to meet the unique needs of modern organisations:

1. Multi-Channel Communication

  • Crises Control’s Employee Mass Notification System utilises various communication channels, including SMS, email, voice calls, and mobile apps, ensuring messages reach employees no matter where they are.

2. Customisable Alerts

  • Tailor alerts to specific scenarios, ensuring that the right information is delivered to the right individuals at the right time.

3. Integration Capabilities

  • Crises Control seamlessly integrates with existing systems, allowing for a smooth implementation without disrupting daily operations.

4. Comprehensive Reporting

  • Gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your emergency response strategies with Crises Control’s detailed reporting and analytics tools.

Conclusion: Empower Your Organisation with Crises Control’s Employee Mass Notification System

In a world where unforeseen events can disrupt the normal course of business, having a robust Employee Mass Notification System isn’t just about reacting to crises, it’s about proactively safeguarding your people and ensuring business continuity. Crises Control’s solution empowers organisations to navigate crises efficiently, ensuring the safety of employees and the continuity of operations.

As we’ve explored, EMNS goes beyond instant emergency alerts. It provides a versatile communication platform for daily operations, fostering informed employees, streamlined management, and ultimately, a resilient organisation.

Don’t wait for the next unexpected event to test your preparedness. Take control of your communication today. Contact Crises Control today for a free demo and discover how our Employee Mass Notification System can elevate your organisation to a new level of safety, efficiency, and peace of mind.


1. What is an Employee Mass Notification System, and how does it differ from traditional communication methods during emergencies?

An Employee Mass Notification System (EMNS) is a robust communication platform designed for swift dissemination of critical information during emergencies. Unlike traditional methods like call-trees, EMNS ensures instant and efficient communication, minimising response times.

2. How can an Employee Mass Notification System(EMNS) benefit my organisation?

EMNS enhances overall safety protocols, reduces operational downtime, and improves employee morale. It enables rapid communication, ensuring employees are informed, safe, and the organisation can quickly adapt to unforeseen events.

3. How does Crises Control stand out, and what specific features does it offer?

Crises Control goes beyond conventional solutions. It offers multi-channel communication, customisable alerts, seamless integration with existing systems, and comprehensive reporting, ensuring a tailored and effective emergency response.